Punch IN - To Check if MOBILE GPS Is Turned On?


Punch IN - To Check if MOBILE GPS Is Turned On?

5 years, 6 months ago
Currently we see our employees punch in without having their GPS turned ON. hence their location shows incorrect. is there a way to display notification during punch in if the user GPS in the mobile is TURNED off. Or is there away, if this can be pushed to turn on during the punch in.

Re: Punch IN - To Check if MOBILE GPS Is Turned On?

5 years, 6 months ago

This is a very good feature to add, right now we are not having this feature.
We are working on this. Once we implement this we will update you, than you can update the Virutal Bio Metric plugin from uKnowva's extension store.


Re: Punch IN - To Check if MOBILE GPS Is Turned On?

5 years, 6 months ago
Thanks and eagerly awaiting for your updated plugin
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