Unable to bulk import attendance


Unable to bulk import attendance

3 years, 10 months ago
I am unable to import user attendance via csv. I tried clicking on 'Import .csv file'.
I get the option to download the template, but option to import as shown in the documentation is not seen. I am the admin user. Have attached a screenshot. Any setting that I am missing?

Re: Unable to bulk import attendance

3 years, 10 months ago
Hello Sir,

Please provide your email id or the instance name so we can check and update you what is the issue there.

Amit Aher

Re: Unable to bulk import attendance

3 years, 10 months ago
Our instance name is 'xplore'.

Also one more issue we are facing is that users get punched out immediately after punching in if their internet gets disconnected for a second too. Disconnect offline users has been selected by us while configuring, but couldn't find any setting to set it to say 15 mins or an hour or an time duration. It currently happens instantly. Any solution for this?


Re: Unable to bulk import attendance

3 years, 10 months ago
By when can we expect a reply?

Re: Unable to bulk import attendance

3 years, 10 months ago
Hello Sir,

Can you please check it now?

This is a CSS issue which we have fixed in our paid version so please subscribe to our paid version to avoid issues like this.

Amit Aher
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