Email thread using the same ticket number


Email thread using the same ticket number

6 years, 6 months ago

I have set up the support mechanism on Uknowva and our clients have started using the same. The only issue we are facing is if someone from my team replies to the ticket from another email client like Gmail or Outlook then the system is creating a new ticket inspite of keeping the ticket number # in the subject of the email and keeping a copy to the support desk (i have set up as This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

I believe that the system is not only reading the ticket number from the subject line, but also it reads the "from email id" if the email is not sent/replied by the person who has created the ticket then system treat it as a new thread and creates a new ticket. I truly believe if the check to read the From gets disabled and system only reads the ticket number from the subject then this would have been of much more use.

Please have this done. ping me if required any further detail on this.

Re: Email thread using the same ticket number

6 years, 6 months ago
WE have made certain changes on ur staging as well as LIVE site, can you try now and let us know if it works.

You will have to keep the person who created the ticket in CC on the email that you send to helpdesk ID.

We could not test it thoroughly as it was a quick fix, if it works for you, then we will make it a part of the next stable release
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