Issues and Help in resolving it


Issues and Help in resolving it

6 years, 10 months ago
Dear Helpdesk/ Jaya

please help with the below issues

1. Helpdesk Link - not working showing 404
2. My Team Link - not working showing 404
3. Team Attendance - Always showing as A absent for all employee with a reason "Marked Absent due to Sandwich rule"
4. Monthly Leave Type - I marked 52 leaves and set it as monthly. So there should 4.3 leaves allocated per month. but my balance shows 0.4 leaves.
5. What is the frequency of attendance sync. Is it real time. I see it take atleast 1 hour for the attendance to sync up after a user do punch out.

please help resolve the above issues

Senthil Raja S

Re: Issues and Help in resolving it

6 years, 10 months ago

Please find our answers below:

1. Helpdesk Link - Not Working Showing 404
Resolved, you had probably unpublished the CS ticket App which is required for this to work

2. My Team Link - Not Working Showing 404
Resolved, It was linked Incorrectly, we have now linked It to the Org Chart

3. Team Attendance - Always Showing as a Absent for All Employee with a Reason "Marked Absent Due to Sandwich Rule"
It Will Show a Wherever There Is No Attendance and No Leave Applied. Marked Absent Due to Sandwich Rule Means a Holiday Will Also Be Marked as Absent If a

4. Monthly Leave Type - I Marked 52 Leaves and Set It as Monthly. So There Should 4.3 Leaves Allocated per Month. But My Balance Shows .4 Leaves.
The rule is correct, you just got 0.4 on pro-rata basis as you are currently at the end of the month. 4.3 leaves will be automatically added to your account on start of next month .i.e. April 1
5. What is the frequency of attendance sync. Is it real time. I see it take atleast 1 hour for the attendance to sync up after a user do punch out.
The attendance is added once the same is approved or auto approved after a punch out is recorded

Last Edit: 6 years, 10 months ago by Priyanka Jain.
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